
Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
By Bruce Tate, Fred Daoud, Jack Moffitt, and Ian Dees
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Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
By Bruce Tate, Fred Daoud, Jack Moffitt, and Ian Dees

Printed book, E-book

Great programmers aren’t born—they’re made. The industry is moving from object-oriented languages to functional languages, and you need to commit to radical improvement. New programming languages arm you with the tools and idioms you need to refine your craft. While other language primers take you through basic installation and “Hello, World,” we aim higher. Each language in Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks will take you on a step-by-step journey through the most important paradigms of our time. You’ll learn seven exciting languages: Lua, Factor, Elixir, Elm, Julia, MiniKanren, and Idris.

Just as each new spoken language can make you smarter and increase your options, each programming language increases your mental tool kit, adding new abstractions you can throw at each new problem. Knowledge is power. The Seven in Seven series builds on that power across many different dimensions. Each chapter in each book walks you through some nontrivial problem with each language, or database, or web server. These books take commitment to read, but their impact can be profound.

label programming, lua, elm, factor, elixir, julia, minikanren, idris


Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
By Bruce Tate
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Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
By Bruce Tate

E-book, 330 pages

Published 2010-10-27

Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, Clojure, Haskell. With Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, by Bruce A. Tate, you’ll go beyond the syntax—and beyond the 20-minute tutorial you’ll find someplace online. This book has an audacious goal: to present a meaningful exploration of seven languages within a single book. Seven Languages hits what’s essential and unique about each language and will help teach you how to grok new languages.

For each language, you’ll solve a nontrivial problem, using techniques that show off the language’s most important features. You’ll discover the strengths and weaknesses of each language while dissecting the process of learning languages quickly—for example, finding the typing and programming models, decision structures, and how you interact with them.

Among this group of seven, you’ll explore the most critical programming models of our time. Learn the dynamic typing that makes Ruby, Python, and Perl so flexible and compelling. Understand the underlying prototype system that’s at the heart of JavaScript. See how pattern matching in Prolog shaped the development of Scala and Erlang. Discover how pure functional programming in Haskell is different from the Lisp family of languages, including Clojure.

Explore the concurrency techniques that are quickly becoming the backbone of a new generation of Internet applications. Find out how to use Erlang’s let-it-crash philosophy for building fault-tolerant systems. Understand the actor model that drives concurrency design in Io and Scala. Learn how Clojure uses versioning to solve some of the most difficult concurrency problems.

It’s all here, all in one place. Use the concepts from one language to find creative solutions in another—or discover a language that may become one of your favorites.

label haskell, io, prolog, erlang, Scala, ruby, clojure


Programming Phoenix 1.4
By José Valim, Bruce Tate, and Chris McCord
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Programming Phoenix 1.4
By José Valim, Bruce Tate, and Chris McCord

E-book, 356 pages

Published 2019-10-10

Phoenix is the long-awaited web framework based on Elixir, the highly concurrent language that combines a beautiful syntax with rich metaprogramming. The best way to learn Phoenix is to code, and you’ll get to attack some interesting problems. Start working with controllers, views, and templates within the first few pages. Build an in-memory context, and then back it with an Ecto database layer, complete with changesets and constraints that keep readers informed and your database integrity intact. Craft your own interactive application based on the channels API for the real-time applications that this ecosystem made famous. Write your own authentication plugs, and use the OTP layer for supervised services. Organize code with modular umbrella projects.

This edition is fully updated for Phoenix 1.4, with a new section on using Channel Presence to find out who’s connected, even on a distributed application. Use the new generators and the new ExUnit features to organize tests and make Ecto tests concurrent.

This is a book by developers and for developers, and we know how to help you ramp up quickly. Any book can tell you what to do. When you’ve finished this one, you’ll also know why to do it.

label elixir, phoenix


Deploying Rails Applications
By Clinton Begin, Bruce Tate, and Ezra Zygmuntowicz
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Deploying Rails Applications
By Clinton Begin, Bruce Tate, and Ezra Zygmuntowicz

E-book, 280 pages

Published 2008-05-01

First you’ll learn how to build out your shared, virtual, or dedicated host. Then, you’ll see how to build your applications for production and deploy them with one step, every time. Deploying Rails Applications will take you from a simple shared host through a highly scalable clustered and balanced setup with Nginx.

See how to tell whether you’ve bought enough firepower, and learn how to optimize your Rails projects applications in a systemic, rational way. Take advantage of advanced caching techniques, and become and expert with the latest servers in Nginx and Mongrel. Don’t worry. You’ll get a dose of Apache too.

Not only will you learn how to configure your production environment, you’ll also see how to monitor it with free, automated tools that can restart your servers when the memory use gets too high for comfort. You’ll see how to take a performance baseline, profile for bottlenecks, and solve the most common performance problems you’re likely to see.

You’ll learn:

* Everything from source control and migrations to Capistrano, rake tasks and beyond.
* Directly from an author who runs EngineYard, one of the best Rails hosts in the business.
* How to deploy your applications to multiple production servers with a single command using Capistrano.
* How to setup a Rails/Nginx/Mongrel cluster for applications with high scalability needs.

...and more!

label ruby, rails